Delicious Blueberry Coconut Water Smoothie Recipe

This is one of the many recipes included in my Nutrient Dense Recipes collection. Blueberry, mint, vanilla, and maple syrup perfectly compliment the coconut water base flavor of this tasty smoothie. Follow the steps below to easily make the recipe and source my top recommended ingredients.

Blueberry Coconut Water Smoothie Recipe

Nutrient Dense Ingredients

Blueberry Fruit

Coconut Water

Coconut Meat

Mint Leaf

Vanilla Seed

Maple Syrup Infused With Blueberry Juice

Recipe Instructions

Servings 2


~ 16 ounces filtered water

~ 3 cups organic frozen blueberries

~ 1/2 cup organic fresh mint leaves

~ 1/2 cup organic hemp protein powder

~ 2 tablespoons organic coconut water powder

~ 2 tablespoons organic coconut butter

~ 2 tablespoons organic vanilla seed paste

~ 2 teaspoons organic blueberry infused maple syrup


1. All of the ingredients, except for the coconut water powder, can be ordered online from Thrive Market (use my special link to get 30% off your first order and a free gift worth up to $60!).

2. Blend the ingredients in a blender for 2 minutes.

3. Pour 1/2 half of the smoothie into a large glass and serve as breakfast or lunch.

4. Store extra serving in a glass jar in the fridge and consume within 5 days.

Nutrient Levels Per Serving

Data below is for one serving of my blueberry coconut water smoothie recipe and is compiled from USDA FoodData Central and


~ Amino acids: 14g (21% RDA)
~ Carbohydrates: 17g (13% RDA)
~ Fatty acids: 10g (13% RDA)
~ Fiber: 3g (9% RDA)


~ Manganese: 1.04mg (35% RDA)
~ Vitamin K1: 16.2µg (14% RDA)
~ Iron: 1.17mg (11% RDA)
~ Riboflavin (B2): 0.11mg (9% RDA)
~ Phytochemicals: rich in anthocyanins, myricetin, and quercetin


~ 405 (19 – 20% RDA)

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