Nutrient Dense Ingredients: Grass Fed Cultured Ghee (Clarified Butter)

Read a detailed breakdown of the taste, culinary use and recipes, main nutrient levels, scientific research and health benefits, top quality online sourcing options, and how to make grass fed cultured ghee at home. Share this page:

Grass Fed Ghee

Ghee Taste, Culinary Use, and Recipes

When made from grass-fed and fermented butter, ghee has a delicious, rich, butter flavor but with additional notes of burnt caramel and nuts.

It can be used in any way butter would be used, but because it has an even higher smoke point than butter it is the best oil for cooking/sautéing.

Nutrient Dense Recipes With Grass Fed Cultured Ghee

~ Butter Pecan Milk

~ Brazil Nut Pancakes

~ Coconut Flour Brownies

Ghee Nutrient Levels

Data below is for 1 tablespoon of ghee and is compiled from the USDA FoodData Central and


~ Fatty acids: 14g (20% RDA)
~ Amino acids: 0g
~ Carbohydrates: 0g


~ Vitamin A: 100.24µg (13% RDA)
~ Vitamin E: 0.463mg (4% RDA)
~ Vitamin D: 0.266µg (2% RDA)

Ghee Research and Benefits

Ghee have many proven health benefits with the most well researched being support of cellular and cognitive health.

Review Study Title: DHA content is significantly higher in ghrita (ghee) prepared by traditional Ayurvedic method. (Source)

Review Study Title: A Review Paper: Current Knowledge of Ghee and Related Products. (Source)

Review Study Title: The effect of ghee (clarified butter) on serum lipid levels and microsomal lipid peroxidation. (Source)

Review Study Title: Ghee: Its Properties, Importance and Health Benefits. (Source)

Ghee Sourcing and Making at Home

Online Sourcing

Below is the source I use and recommend:

~ Grass fed cultured ghee in glass

Make Your Own at Home

This process takes two steps:

1. Purchase grass fed cultured butter locally or online.

2. Cook the butter in a pot to separate out the milk solids from the oil. The best instructions I have found for this process from from Indian Health Recipes.

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